Nornickel ESG Insights
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Nornickel publishes its first human rights report

Governance Russia Report
The company is committed to respecting and protecting human rights, inclusivity and equal opportunities as one of the elements in Nornickel’s ESG strategy. The company has recently published its first Human Rights Report in addition to the 2022 Sustainability Report.
People are Nornickel’s greatest asset. The company invests in the professional and personal development of employees, and supports the preservation of key values to facilitate development plans and technological progress of employees.

For Nornickel, respect for human rights is not just about observing the law and generally recognized standards of international law. It is a corporate philosophy enabling each employee to realize their potential to live a decent life and work under appropriate conditions.

The company respects human rights and freedoms in accordance with recognized standards, principles, initiatives and rules of international law. Nornickel operates in compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements established in the Russian Federation and other host countries.

The company’s public obligation to respect human rights is set forth in the Human Rights Policy.

In May 2023, the company published the 2022 Human Rights Report for Nornickel Group.

The report raises awareness among stakeholders about the human rights management system, risk management, and the main mechanisms for interaction with stakeholders. The document also describes the major projects for human rights support and key achievements for 2022.

The Human Rights Report is part of Nornickel’s reporting which highlights achievements, challenges, and projects in sustainable development. With its commitment to transparent communication, the company shares information on its sustainability efforts in public reports, on the website, and in social media.

Nornickel expresses commitment to the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The company considers these principles to be important for doing business, regardless of external factors and geopolitical challenges.

Vice President for Investor Relations and Sustainable Development

“For Nornickel, respect for human rights is not just about observing the Russian Constitution and generally recognized standards of international law. It is a philosophy enabling each employee to realize their potential, live a decent life and work under appropriate conditions. The well-being of employees and all stakeholders is the utmost value and main equity that contributes towards our company’s sustainable development”.

Senior Vice President – Head of HR, Social Policy, and Public Relations

“Nornickel is a large company with 80,000 employees working at production sites in remote regions of Russia. These territories have extreme weather conditions and the nature of the work here requires maximum concentration. A company placing such demands on employees naturally needs to demonstrate the same level of responsibility, loyalty and respect. Therefore, we pay great attention to decent wages, comfortable living conditions, and opportunities for self-fulfillment. That is what human rights are about. Their observance and protection is the company’s obligation and goal.

September, 2023