Nornickel ESG Insights
Joining efforts to build a better future

RUB 80 billion for Norilsk development

Nornickel finances most of the actions contemplated by the Comprehensive Social and Economic Development Plan of the City. The plan covers the period up to 2035.

President of Nornickel:

“In addition to housing, medical centers are also being built. The renovation program also includes the Polar State University with a new campus and existing building, a school named after Vladimir Ivanovich Dolgikh, a museum and many other facilities. At each plant, we build amenity complexes where people can relax and do sports. We are re-equipping first aid rooms. The plan addresses all aspects of life in Norilsk. Renovation is the name. The urban environment is basically adjusting to the people’s needs”.

September, 2023
Social Norilsk Opinion