Nornickel ESG Insights
Joining efforts to build a better future

Russia gets online corporate ESG indicator posting portal

The National ESG Alliance and Interfax have launched a public digital ESG reporting service. The portal contains the basic ESG indicators of 600+ companies converted into a unified format.
For starters, 50 sustainability indicators were selected. Some of them relate to general corporate information, while others cover the environment, social and corporate governance. In the future, indicator data collection methods will evolve, the disclosure scope will increase, and the number of companies coming forward to disclose their performance indicators will grow.

Nornickel continues to increase the number of ESG indicators disclosed. In 2021, it disclosed about 50 indicators, and by the end of 2022, it disclosed about 100 indicators in more than ten areas. This includes not only financial indicators for sustainable development programs, but also technical ones. For example, the company discloses how many juveniles of a particular fish species were released into a specific body of water over the course of one year under the Arctic biodiversity conservation program, and the cost of breeding.

RAEX-Europe is an independent ESG rating agency, affiliated with the international group RAEX, which has 20 years of experience in the rating and analytical industry. This ranking is part of RAEX-Europe’s project to collect, systemize and analyze ESG data for companies in the post-Soviet space.

August 2023
Governance Russia Trends