Nornickel has released its new Climate Change Report for the first time. This contains detailed information about Nornickel’s climate change activities previously found in the Sustainability Report. The report was drawn up in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and was audited.
Nornickel CEO
“Notwithstanding that it is the first report entirely devoted to climate change aspects, the company has been working in this area for quite a while already and has been publicly communicating its climate activities since 2016.Nornickel is making a significant contribution decarbonization of the global economy, and we expect demand for our products to continue to increase, providing sustainable and balanced growth for the company.”
Nornickel Chairman of the Board of Directors
“The company seeks to increase its use of renewable energy, improve manufacturing process energy efficiency , and studies, develops, and implements new low-carbon technologies. The carbon footprint of Nornickel’s products is one of the lowest in the industry.”
What is Scope 1. For a holistic approach to measuring and managing GHG emissions, they are divided into three scopes. Scope 1 covers all direct GHG emissions. This includes emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels in manufacturing processes, vehicles and other industrial equipment.
What is Scope 2. Scope 2 includes indirect emissions that result from the consumption of electricity, heat, or steam.
What is Scope 3. Scope 3 covers all other indirect emissions occurring throughout the company’s value chain. This includes emissions that result from operations beyond the company’s direct control. For example, these are emissions from transportation and distribution of goods, business travel and supply chain activities.
Scope 3 is categorized into Upstream and Downstream, which refer to the assessment of supply chain and distribution emissions, respectively.
Main risk factors in all scenarios
- Degradation of permafrost soil
- Higher frequency of heavy precipitation
- Higher annual precipitation