Personal experience

The future of industry is in good hands

The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Nornickel jointly sponsor a Master's Program “Artificial Intelligence Transformation in Industry”. The program was launched in 2021 to train unique specialists. One of the students shared his thoughts.

a Master’s student, Artificial Transformation in Industry

“To be honest, an internship in a large metallurgical company is more like a startup within a company or intrapreneurship. I think it is really cool.

The data science and machine learning units make up a typical R&D department, which takes care of research, development and the fast rollout of technologies which have economic, environmental and labor safety potential. A team of professionals designs cool internal digital products and rolls them out throughout the entire company. It is all about flexibility, efficiency and focus on results. I appreciate these things.

Anyone who ever had to deal with corporate bureaucracy and inefficient procedures will see what I mean. There are few, if any, attributes of a large company, unbending corporate procedures or rituals. I work at a startup with a young and creative team, and I can’t really tell the difference.

What does the work process look like? The unit has a strategic action plan it has to fulfil. Master’s students work on tasks with the guidance of mentors – data scientists and engineers employed by the company. You can put forth solutions for tasks at hand. Or you can propose new tasks, substantiate and prove their value for production, the environment or labor safety, study and solve them.

If your solution meets the criteria, your mentor will take steps to quickly implement it in the business process. My solutions have already been implemented. I am truly inspired and motivated by it, and the company benefits too.”

June, 2023
2023-06-30 14:00 Social Russia Practice