
Five rare species of birds and a new species of beetle

Supported by Nornickel, scientists of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS) study biodiversity in three regions: Transbaikal, the Kola Peninsula and the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. They discovered a white-tailed eagle, gyrfalcon, bean eagle, whooper swan and Siberian ash snail in the Norilsk industrial region during the Great Scientific Expedition. They also found a previously unknown species of weevil beetle. Scientists will have to think of a name for it now.

Nornickel Vice President for HSE:

“We apply a scientific approach: we choose benchmark locations far from industrial plants and settlements, sure to have been unaffected by human activity, and count the quantity of plants and animals there. Our job is to bring the territory around the plants to the benchmark standard”.

November, 2023
2023-11-30 17:13 Environment Norilsk Opinion