The three most frequent mistakes in interpreting the ethnological expert assessment (EEA) objectives are to estimate losses from commercial development of land, to stop production, and to restore ecosystems. Theory told through experience who needs the procedure and when and why it is needed based on Nornickel’s experience.
Nornickel’s experience
In 2023, the company ordered an EEA to support the development project of Kolmozerskoye lithium deposit in the Lovozersky district of Murmansk Region. The project will be developed by the Polar Lithium joint venture between Nornickel and Rosatom.
Nornickel’s experience
Nornickel conducted its first EEA in 2020 in Taimyr, when an accident caused a diesel fuel spill. Based on the EEA results, discussions were held with the regional government leaders, communities, representatives and organizations of indigenous peoples.
The consultations have resulted in a program to facilitate development of indigenous peoples.
Program parameters:
- period - 5 years,
- financing - over RUB 2 bn,
- 44 actions.
Nornickel’s experience
The Kolmozerskoye deposit is located on land leased by the Tundra agricultural and production cooperative engaged in herding reindeer, including privately-owned ones. It is based in the Lovozero village. The cooperative can be considered the most affected party, so its participation in consultations is mandatory. Moreover, the cooperative will be reimbursed for losses associated with geological exploration.
The territory of another cooperative based in the Krasnoshchelye village may be potentially affected by the construction of project linear facilities. Therefore, the cooperative is also involved in the negotiations.
In parallel, the company interacts with major organizations and decision-makers of the Saami indigenous people of the Murmansk Region:
- Council of Representatives of Indigenous Peoples of the North under the Government of the Murmansk Region,
- Kola Saami Association,
- Public Organization for Promotion of Legal Education and Preservation of Cultural Heritage of the Saami People of the Murmansk Region.
A year before obtaining the license, Nornickel and the Polar Lithium JV hold preliminary consultations with the indigenous and reindeer herding peoples of the Murmansk Region by way of gatherings in the Lovozero and Krasnoshchelye villages.
Nornickel’s experience
After each stage of negotiations on the Kolmozerskoye deposit development, the results are posted on the website.
Examples of actions taken by Nornickel
Impact mitigation and minimization actions:
- project facilities are relocated to avoid damaging or destroying the sacred sites of indigenous peoples,
- manufacturing facilities with high noise levels are built as far away as possible from herding areas, animal migration routes and fawning locations.
Examples of sustainable development initiatives:
- housing construction,
- construction of medical and obstetric care stations, modern community centers,
- refurbishment of school gyms and further equipment of schools,
- purchase of equipment for meat, fish, and wild crop processing, deer hide tanning and dressing,
- purchase of community-made products.
Compensatory measures:
- provision of new land plots for herding,
- financial compensations.
Nornickel’s experience with the Kolmozerskoye deposit
The EEA is run by the Project Office for Arctic Development. The research team comprises independent experts engaged by Soyuz Union of Indigenous Peoples (KMNSOYUZ).
Nornickel’s experience
Traditional activities on the Kolmozerskoye deposit territory are officially undertaken by the Saami. Apart from the Saami, the Komi-Izhma and Nenets do reindeer herding on the Kola Peninsula. The Saami, as an indigenous people of Murmansk Region, and the Komi and Nenets herders will be involved in the FPIC procedure in Murmansk Region.
“Since not only the Saami people are engaged in the traditional use of natural resources (reindeer herding) in the Lovozersky District, through expert discussions, we have come up with a special term: indigenous and reindeer herding peoples,” says Vasily Zakharov.