Nornickel ESG Insights
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Nornickel and its employees sign updated collective agreement

A new collective agreement between Nornickel and its employees
The updated collective agreement will remain in effect until the end of 2027. It includes both conventional and innovative employee assistance measures that were put into place in response to employee suggestions.
Three of the Group's businesses simultaneously signed the new collective agreement: MMC Norilsk Nickel, Medvezhy Ruchey, and NTEK. The signing took place at Nornickel's headquarters. Members of the collective agreement commissions, which included equal representation from the employers and employees, signed the documents.

What’s new in the agreement

The new agreement places emphasis on providing additional targeted support for specific groups of employees. For example, during maternity leave, female employees will receive an extra payment from the company so that their combined income will equal their regular salary. The company has also increased the amount of financial help for childbirth and up to three years of childcare.

Employees who are officially disabled are entitled to additional paid vacation and financial help. The amount of reimbursement for relocation expenses has also increased.

How the collective agreement is updated

While updating the agreement, employee suggestions and previous social partnership experience are taken into consideration. Every year, the collective agreement commission receives and reviews about 400 suggestions.

Senior Vice President, Director of Operations:

"Nornickel is working to become a more flexible, adaptive, and efficient company. At the same time, we continue to uphold our traditions and our core value, i.e. caring for others. The company has extended the collective agreement, offering employees and their families a high level of social guarantees.”


November, 2024
Governance Russia News