An exhibition dedicated to the author of the Norilsk miracle
At Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow, an exhibition honoring Vladimir Ivanovich Dolgikh has opened. It was planned and implemented by the students of the Vladimir I. Dolgikh Technological Lyceum and Moscow school No. 709.
Vladimir Ivanovich is known as the author of the Norilsk miracle: “He started building the first mine, “Mayak”, at the richest Talnakh deposit without waiting for the State Commission's evaluation. The plant propelled the development of the Far North's riches to a new level. As a result, Norilsk significantly boosted the output of nickel, copper, and platinum group metals, becoming one of the most socially sustainable cities in the USSR.”
In a 2014 interview,
“I was astounded with the scale of things in Norilsk: coal mines, underground workings, two giant quarries, three plants producing nickel, cobalt, and copper, a heavy water production plant, two mechanical plants, a railway, a port in Dudinka, construction, and building materials. Plus, it is a big city. And enormous responsibility...”