Nornickel ESG Insights
Joining efforts to build a better future

Fish quotas, construction of houses and first aid stations: how the program to support indigenous peoples works

The program to promote the social and economic development of the small-numbered indigenous peoples of the Taymir has been operating since 2020 and is expected to last 5 years. It is based on ethnographic studies and takes into account the opinions of residents.
Nornickel allocated RUB 2 bn for the program to improve the quality of life of the indigenous peoples of the North in seven key areas. Additional funds for community projects were allocated by the Polar Division.

How RUB 2 bn is distributed across seven areas

The program to promote the Taymir indigenous peoples social and economic development :  7 areas of spending
We talk about the specific costs of the program in three of the seven areas.

Business activity: fishing

Upon Nornickel's request, scientists assessed the reindeer-carrying capacity of pastures in the Ust-Avam tundra, and fish resources in the basin of the Yenisei and Khatanga Rivers. The assessment became the basis for granting quotas to small-numbered indigenous peoples.

Capture level. In 2024, the communities participated in the auction for fish quotas with Nornickel's support. Three communities have entered into capture-level agreements. For example, the Kou Kyun community can catch 5 tons of fish per year, while the Kumak Kytyl community can catch 20 tons.

Selling. The communities sell fish through retail chains in Dudinka and Norilsk. The right to sell is formalized: the communities draft the documents and conclude direct contracts with the networks on their own. These arrangements ensure fish sales at an adequate price.

Nornickel's support. The company supports local production and provides financing for the transportation of products from the settlements to Dudinka and Norilsk.

Over the life of the program, the company:

  • purchased two 40 cubic meter refrigerated units for storing meat, fish, and poultry;
  • repaired the glaciers at the fishing points;
  • installed beam houses, temporary structures for overnight stays of hunters and fishermen, for each community; and
  • built a mobile shop for processing reindeer meat, fish, and wild plants, which will float on the Pyasina River in summer and stand in Norilsk in winter. The workshop opened in August 2024;
  • allocates money every year to the communities to get ready for the fall and winter season: to purchase fuel, food, and spare parts for snowmobiles and boats. In 2024, RUB 300 k was allocated.

Chairman of the Kumak Kytyl community:

“There are 23 people in the community. We have been a member of Nornickel's Coordination Council for Engagement with Indigenous Minorities of the North since 2022. We're getting support, but it's more than that. The company enables us not just to live, but to develop.”

The program to promote the social and economic development of the small-numbered indigenous peoples of the Taymir:  Nornickel donates snowmobiles to Taimyr fishermen
Nornickel donates snowmobiles to Taimyr fishermen

Housing: how many rooms you need for a comfortable life

In 2021-2023, Nornickel built 15 individual residential houses in the Settlements of Ust-Avam and Volochanka. In 2024, the company allocated an additional RUB 108 mln, and the keys were handed over to 18 new tenants.

All houses are built on stilts with modern materials - wall panels, multi-chamber plastic windows, plastic pipes, and aluminum heating systems. Electricity and coal provide heat. There are 50 square meters for a single family and the layout has been agreed with the residents. The apartments are decorated and equipped with household appliances: refrigerator, TV set, microwave oven, and washing machine.

a new homeowner:

“Our old house was half a century old. It was blown with cold air, and we were freezing. Now, we have a new house of three rooms instead of one. You can heat the house with electricity or coal. There were no options in the old house - only coal, and it was often in short supply. Now, our family of three lives in a warm and comfortable environment.”

The municipal authorities choose the candidates for settling in. They are primarily residents of emergency houses, low-income and large families. In 2020-2024, the keys to 21 new apartments were given to indigenous orphans.
The program to promote the social and economic development of the small-numbered indigenous peoples of the Taymir: a new house built by Nornickel
A new three-bedroom house similar to the one Nina Mirnykh received

Health care: where the residents of remote villages can receive treatment

It is not easy for residents of remote villages to receive medical care. For example, by road it is 330 km from Ust-Avam to Dudinka, and travel depends on the weather.

Since 2020, Nornickel has built medical and obstetric stations in the Settlements of Ust-Avam, Volochanka, Ust-Port, Khantayskoye, and Popigai. The first station was built in Volochanka in 2023.

Head of the medical and obstetric station in Volochanka:

“The old medical and obstetric station was built in 1972. The building was decaying until it became unfit for use. The new medical station has everything as in a city apartment - even a sewage system.”

In addition to the sewage system, autonomous heating and water supply system, the Volochanka Medical Center has a large room for admitting patients, an immunization room, a pharmacy kiosk, and a warehouse for medicines. A service apartment for a medical worker has also been fitted out.

Indigenous peoples have their secrets of health and longevity. In 2021, Nornickel supported the initiative of the Hanavey family community to open a “Pantotherapy Center” in Dudinka. The center uses decoctions based on deer antlers for treatment. Residents and tourists are eager to visit it.
Velvet antlers
are the antlers of deer during the growth period. Up to a certain point, they have a non-keratinized structure and are filled with blood. Antlers are thought to have healing properties.
The Pantotherapy Center is actively developing. The Hanavey community plans to open a branch in Norilsk and proposes to include antler-based baths in Nornickel's corporate medicine.

In the next newsletter, we will report on the progress in the other four areas: culture, education, tourism, and community projects.

Photos by Nornickel
September, 2024
Social Taimyr Local communities