Nornickel ESG Insights
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Scientists assess Nornickel’s ecosystem impact

The Great Scientific Expedition assessed the impact of Nornickel's operations on the state of ecosystems in three regions: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Murmansk Region and Trans-Baikal Territory. This was the first time such an extensive study had been carried out in our country. .

The expert evaluation covered an area of more than 71,000 sq. km and focused on three issues:

  • defining the natural balance in locations near mining and metallurgical complexes,
  • developing the best practices for soil, water and air purification,
  • establishing rules of conduct for businesses in the Arctic.

Samples were taken from 13 lakes in the belt of significant impact and only two of them showed traces of contamination. High fish species diversity was reported, particularly at the mouth of the Ambarnaya River, which was affected by the 2020 fuel spill. The scientists discovered that oil contamination had resulted in both negative and stimulating effects on the zooplankton, due to these feeding on microorganisms developed after the spill. Thus, natural self-purification of water bodies occurs.
Norilsk Nickel Vice President for Federal and Regional Programs

“Cooperation between Nornickel and the Russian Academy of Sciences helps the scientific community to apply completely new, often unique and expensive methods of scientific research during the expeditions. In addition, the company got an accurate, objective insight into what was happening with the natural elements in the Taimyr Municipal District and Norilsk. This database allowed us to develop eco-programs.”

The article “Why we need to study biodiversity” was published. It was written by Victor Glupov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director of the Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as Natalia Polikarpova, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Director of the Pasvik Nature Reserve, and Stanislav Seleznev, Nornickel Vice President for HSE. The article describes how the findings of the Great Scientific Expedition are being used by businesses".

January, 2024
Environment Russia Opinion