Nornickel ESG Insights
Joining efforts to build a better future

“PonesLos” eco-marathon, one of the company's major volunteer projects, takes place

The ninth marathon commenced on June 9 in Norilsk.. 782 volunteer teams and almost 8,000 company employees have taken part in the project over its life. This year, the marathon's motto is: “PonesLos in Art”.
Stanislav Seleznev, Vice President for Environment and Occupational Safety, Nornickel
Nornickel’s Vice President for Environment and Occupational Safety:

“We have hosted a major exhibition intersecting environment and art. We have demonstrated that these two concepts can go hand-in-hand. Following the marathon, I will invite the participants of the best projects to a meeting to tell them what it means to be an environmental expert and find out what motivates people to become volunteers and move to other cities.”

July, 2024
Social Norilsk Opinion