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Disappearing Arctic “Unicorns”

How to search for bighorns, which fish is more beneficial for your health and how much does a hunting gyrfalcon cost - you will learn all this from our quiz on rare animals that Nornickel helps to preserve.

The company believes that industry and nature are not antagonists. The efforts of the entire human community - local residents, scientists, and businesses - are important for the environment. Then, everyone from a tiny bug and a huge bear to humans and cities will become part of a thriving ecosystem.

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The wild reindeer population halved from 417,000 to 242,000 in seven years, from 2014 to 2021. Which project of the Lapland Nature Reserve has Nornickel supported to preserve wild reindeer?
Since 2020, the wild reindeer has been listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation as an endangered animal. There are about 1000 species in the Lapland Reserve, and the animals are protected here. Nornickel allocates more than RUB 5 million for monitoring and inspection activities every year. The company purchased five snowmobiles to help employees track and trace the reindeer's movements.

They are not afraid of people and machinery in the Reserve's territory. But reindeers go beyond the protected area during seasonal migrations and become victims of poachers. Unfortunately, not all local residents realize how fragile the ecosystem is.

In 2021, Save the Reindeer Together, a project of the Lapland Nature Reserve, won the World of New Opportunities competition. An interactive educational center was established with the company's allocated funds. Here children and adults get to know about the habits of wild reindeers and their significance for the Kola Peninsula ecosystem.
Since 2020, the wild reindeer has been listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation as an endangered animal. There are about 1000 species in the Lapland Reserve, and the animals are protected here. Nornickel allocates more than RUB 5 million for monitoring and inspection activities every year. The company purchased five snowmobiles to help employees track and trace the reindeer's movements.

They are not afraid of people and machinery in the Reserve's territory. But reindeers go beyond the protected area during seasonal migrations and become victims of poachers. Unfortunately, not all local residents realize how fragile the ecosystem is.

In 2021, Save the Reindeer Together, a project of the Lapland Nature Reserve, won the World of New Opportunities competition. An interactive educational center was established with the company's allocated funds. Here children and adults get to know about the habits of wild reindeers and their significance for the Kola Peninsula ecosystem.
Since 2020, the wild reindeer has been listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation as an endangered animal. There are about 1000 species in the Lapland Reserve, and the animals are protected here. Nornickel allocates more than RUB 5 million for monitoring and inspection activities every year. The company purchased five snowmobiles to help employees track and trace the reindeer's movements.

They are not afraid of people and machinery in the Reserve's territory. But reindeers go beyond the protected area during seasonal migrations and become victims of poachers. Unfortunately, not all local residents realize how fragile the ecosystem is.

In 2021, Save the Reindeer Together, a project of the Lapland Nature Reserve, won the World of New Opportunities competition. An interactive educational center was established with the company's allocated funds. Here children and adults get to know about the habits of wild reindeers and their significance for the Kola Peninsula ecosystem.
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Nornickel supported the Arctic char artificial farming project. How many years would it take to recover its population in a natural environment?
The Arctic char is the most highly valued freshwater fish in the world for its content of Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Eating 30 g of fish per day is enough to cover the daily human need for these acids.

The char breeds very slowly: it reaches sexual maturity at the age of 6, so commercial and modern fishing in the Arctic lakes is prohibited. As soon as you throw a net, there will be practically no char left in the water body.

Therefore, the idea of breeding “kingfish” artificially appeared. In 2022, Nornickel supported the establishment of a facility in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which will produce commercial quantities of char from eggs. In a few years, the “kingfish” will be available for the Arctic residents in retail stores.
The Arctic char is the most highly valued freshwater fish in the world for its content of Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Eating 30 g of fish per day is enough to cover the daily human need for these acids.

The char breeds very slowly: it reaches sexual maturity at the age of 6, so commercial and modern fishing in the Arctic lakes is prohibited. As soon as you throw a net, there will be practically no char left in the water body.

Therefore, the idea of breeding “kingfish” artificially appeared. In 2022, Nornickel supported the establishment of a facility in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which will produce commercial quantities of char from eggs. In a few years, the “kingfish” will be available for the Arctic residents in retail stores.
The Arctic char is the most highly valued freshwater fish in the world for its content of Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Eating 30 g of fish per day is enough to cover the daily human need for these acids.

The char breeds very slowly: it reaches sexual maturity at the age of 6, so commercial and modern fishing in the Arctic lakes is prohibited. As soon as you throw a net, there will be practically no char left in the water body.

Therefore, the idea of breeding “kingfish” artificially appeared. In 2022, Nornickel supported the establishment of a facility in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which will produce commercial quantities of char from eggs. In a few years, the “kingfish” will be available for the Arctic residents in retail stores.
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Nornickel helped count the Putorana snow sheep in its habitats. What method was used to this effect?
The Putorana snow sheep, or bighorn sheep, lives only in the Putorana Plateau and is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. In 2023, Nornickel supported a population count of these rare animals in Taimyr. The company helped the researchers with fuel and delivery of essential equipment and provided funding for 2017 and 2022 to establish an “Observer School.”

The bighorn inhabits difficult terrain and is very cautious. It is difficult to spot it from the air, and camera traps rarely catch it. But observations by volunteers who are trained in the animal's habits and wildlife behavior can produce very good results.

Some groups have been especially lucky during their research in the Putorana Plateau Reserve. Some encountered a herd of thirty species, while others observed female animals with their lambs. The volunteers supported all their information with photos and videos, and the scientists received very valuable material.
The Putorana snow sheep, or bighorn sheep, lives only in the Putorana Plateau and is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. In 2023, Nornickel supported a population count of these rare animals in Taimyr. The company helped the researchers with fuel and delivery of essential equipment and provided funding for 2017 and 2022 to establish an “Observer School.”

The bighorn inhabits difficult terrain and is very cautious. It is difficult to spot it from the air, and camera traps rarely catch it. But observations by volunteers who are trained in the animal's habits and wildlife behavior can produce very good results.

Some groups have been especially lucky during their research in the Putorana Plateau Reserve. Some encountered a herd of thirty species, while others observed female animals with their lambs. The volunteers supported all their information with photos and videos, and the scientists received very valuable material.
The Putorana snow sheep, or bighorn sheep, lives only in the Putorana Plateau and is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. In 2023, Nornickel supported a population count of these rare animals in Taimyr. The company helped the researchers with fuel and delivery of essential equipment and provided funding for 2017 and 2022 to establish an “Observer School.”

The bighorn inhabits difficult terrain and is very cautious. It is difficult to spot it from the air, and camera traps rarely catch it. But observations by volunteers who are trained in the animal's habits and wildlife behavior can produce very good results.

Some groups have been especially lucky during their research in the Putorana Plateau Reserve. Some encountered a herd of thirty species, while others observed female animals with their lambs. The volunteers supported all their information with photos and videos, and the scientists received very valuable material.
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Nornickel invested RUB 50 million to preserve the gyrfalcon. But how much are falconry enthusiasts ready to pay poachers for one bird?
In 2022, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Nornickel signed an agreement on preserving rare species of falconry family birds. The company funds were used to establish research centers in Yamal and Kamchatka, where the largest populations of these feathered predators live.

The Arctic Gyrfalcon is the largest falcon in the world, with a wingspan of 120-135 cm and a total length of about 55-60 cm. It is a very strong bird and an excellent hunter : few prey can escape it. This is exactly what has caused this critical decline in the gyrfalcon population.

Their numbers have slumped by two thirds since the early 21st century, and there are only 3,500-5,000 pairs left in Russia today. The poachers capture the feathered predators and sell them to Oriental and Asian markets. In the Middle East, falconry enthusiasts are ready to pay about $30,000 for a bird. The price of white-colored gyrfalcons reaches up to $200,000. Falcons also die in traps that local residents set for Arctic foxes.
In 2022, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Nornickel signed an agreement on preserving rare species of falconry family birds. The company funds were used to establish research centers in Yamal and Kamchatka, where the largest populations of these feathered predators live.

The Arctic Gyrfalcon is the largest falcon in the world, with a wingspan of 120-135 cm and a total length of about 55-60 cm. It is a very strong bird and an excellent hunter : few prey can escape it. This is exactly what has caused this critical decline in the gyrfalcon population.

Their numbers have slumped by two thirds since the early 21st century, and there are only 3,500-5,000 pairs left in Russia today. The poachers capture the feathered predators and sell them to Oriental and Asian markets. In the Middle East, falconry enthusiasts are ready to pay about $30,000 for a bird. The price of white-colored gyrfalcons reaches up to $200,000. Falcons also die in traps that local residents set for Arctic foxes.
In 2022, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Nornickel signed an agreement on preserving rare species of falconry family birds. The company funds were used to establish research centers in Yamal and Kamchatka, where the largest populations of these feathered predators live.

The Arctic Gyrfalcon is the largest falcon in the world, with a wingspan of 120-135 cm and a total length of about 55-60 cm. It is a very strong bird and an excellent hunter : few prey can escape it. This is exactly what has caused this critical decline in the gyrfalcon population.

Their numbers have slumped by two thirds since the early 21st century, and there are only 3,500-5,000 pairs left in Russia today. The poachers capture the feathered predators and sell them to Oriental and Asian markets. In the Middle East, falconry enthusiasts are ready to pay about $30,000 for a bird. The price of white-colored gyrfalcons reaches up to $200,000. Falcons also die in traps that local residents set for Arctic foxes.
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Nornickel bought an eco-laboratory for the Pasvik Nature Reserve, which scientists use to restore the population of the European pearl mussel. What factor is directly affecting its population size?
The European pearl is an inhabitant of rivers and lakes in the Northern Hemisphere, where it performs the function of a natural water filter. The mussel passes water through itself removing all impurities. The pearl mussel used to be endangered by poachers who harvested the shellfish for mother-of-pearl and pearls, but that “business” is obsolete today.

The main reason for this decline is the lack of sufficient numbers of salmon-breeding fish in the rivers, in whose gills the mussel larvae are overwintering.

The pearl mussel has a very interesting life cycle. In the fall, adults release thousands of larvae into the water. These have only a few days to hook into the gills of juvenile fish from the salmon family. The immune system of the fish struggles with the parasite and forms a capsule in which the larva survives the winter in peace. Then, the capsule detaches from its host, sinks to the bottom, and a new pearl-fish emerges. No other species of fish can serve as a temporary home for the mussel. Scientists have come to an unambiguous conclusion: if there are no salmon or trout in a water body, there are no pearl mussels.

Nornickel financed research of the mussel population in the Pasvik Nature Reserve. This research has helped scientists discover new habitats for the red-listed species. The specialists also surveyed several watercourses in the Russian part of the Paz River in order to release mussels there in the future and restore its population. There are plans to create a center for the reintroduction of the European pearl mussel in the Reserve in the future.
The European pearl is an inhabitant of rivers and lakes in the Northern Hemisphere, where it performs the function of a natural water filter. The mussel passes water through itself removing all impurities. The pearl mussel used to be endangered by poachers who harvested the shellfish for mother-of-pearl and pearls, but that “business” is obsolete today.

The main reason for this decline is the lack of sufficient numbers of salmon-breeding fish in the rivers, in whose gills the mussel larvae are overwintering.

The pearl mussel has a very interesting life cycle. In the fall, adults release thousands of larvae into the water. These have only a few days to hook into the gills of juvenile fish from the salmon family. The immune system of the fish struggles with the parasite and forms a capsule in which the larva survives the winter in peace. Then, the capsule detaches from its host, sinks to the bottom, and a new pearl-fish emerges. No other species of fish can serve as a temporary home for the mussel. Scientists have come to an unambiguous conclusion: if there are no salmon or trout in a water body, there are no pearl mussels.

Nornickel financed research of the mussel population in the Pasvik Nature Reserve. This research has helped scientists discover new habitats for the red-listed species. The specialists also surveyed several watercourses in the Russian part of the Paz River in order to release mussels there in the future and restore its population. There are plans to create a center for the reintroduction of the European pearl mussel in the Reserve in the future.
The European pearl is an inhabitant of rivers and lakes in the Northern Hemisphere, where it performs the function of a natural water filter. The mussel passes water through itself removing all impurities. The pearl mussel used to be endangered by poachers who harvested the shellfish for mother-of-pearl and pearls, but that “business” is obsolete today.

The main reason for this decline is the lack of sufficient numbers of salmon-breeding fish in the rivers, in whose gills the mussel larvae are overwintering.

The pearl mussel has a very interesting life cycle. In the fall, adults release thousands of larvae into the water. These have only a few days to hook into the gills of juvenile fish from the salmon family. The immune system of the fish struggles with the parasite and forms a capsule in which the larva survives the winter in peace. Then, the capsule detaches from its host, sinks to the bottom, and a new pearl-fish emerges. No other species of fish can serve as a temporary home for the mussel. Scientists have come to an unambiguous conclusion: if there are no salmon or trout in a water body, there are no pearl mussels.

Nornickel financed research of the mussel population in the Pasvik Nature Reserve. This research has helped scientists discover new habitats for the red-listed species. The specialists also surveyed several watercourses in the Russian part of the Paz River in order to release mussels there in the future and restore its population. There are plans to create a center for the reintroduction of the European pearl mussel in the Reserve in the future.
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In 2023, Nornickel supported another Great Scientific Expedition. What is the name of a new species of weevil beetle that researchers discovered?
Weevil beetles have a large family. There are more than 5,000 species of them in Russia alone, and about 50,000 species on the planet. These insects have been affectionately named “elephants” for the shape of their heads. Although, owners of homestead plots and farmland treat weevils without any affection. Beetles can eat off both the shoots and the roots.

For the Great Scientific Expedition researchers, discovering a new species of weevil in the Arctic Circle is not a disaster, but rather a happy occasion. The ubiquitous beetle had never gotten this far before. Norilsk residents and Nornickel employees participated in the voting on the choice of a name for this species, which is previously unknown to science. Putoranchik was the winner, named so in honor of the pearl of the Arctic, the Putorana Plateau.
Weevil beetles have a large family. There are more than 5,000 species of them in Russia alone, and about 50,000 species on the planet. These insects have been affectionately named “elephants” for the shape of their heads. Although, owners of homestead plots and farmland treat weevils without any affection. Beetles can eat off both the shoots and the roots.

For the Great Scientific Expedition researchers, discovering a new species of weevil in the Arctic Circle is not a disaster, but rather a happy occasion. The ubiquitous beetle had never gotten this far before. Norilsk residents and Nornickel employees participated in the voting on the choice of a name for this species, which is previously unknown to science. Putoranchik was the winner, named so in honor of the pearl of the Arctic, the Putorana Plateau.
Weevil beetles have a large family. There are more than 5,000 species of them in Russia alone, and about 50,000 species on the planet. These insects have been affectionately named “elephants” for the shape of their heads. Although, owners of homestead plots and farmland treat weevils without any affection. Beetles can eat off both the shoots and the roots.

For the Great Scientific Expedition researchers, discovering a new species of weevil in the Arctic Circle is not a disaster, but rather a happy occasion. The ubiquitous beetle had never gotten this far before. Norilsk residents and Nornickel employees participated in the voting on the choice of a name for this species, which is previously unknown to science. Putoranchik was the winner, named so in honor of the pearl of the Arctic, the Putorana Plateau.
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Nornickel helped count 271 polar bears in Chukotka. But the population is still endangered, and bears often come out to people because of the lack of food. What are you strictly forbidden to do if you happen to encounter the largest land predator on Earth?
Nornickel has been involved in the polar bear preservation program for many years. Population counts and habitat studies are among its main activities. In 2012, the company allocated more than RUB 7 million for scientists to count polar bears in the Kara Sea basin. In 2022, a “bear census” carried out on Wrangel Island. Moreover, it was the first time in the world that drones were used for observing. And the scientists have come to the following conclusions.

Bears primarily feed on marine mammals and fish. When searching for food, bears most often do not travel on all fours, but rather drift on ice floes. The shrinking Arctic ice area makes the forage base inaccessible. So, polar bears come to human habitations, where there is always something to eat.

It's hard to stay calm when facing a half-ton predator, but you have to. It is better to stand still, observe the bear's behavior, and slowly back away from the danger. If the beast is approaching, it is enough to shout loudly or fire a flare gun. But it's a bad idea to lie down on the ground. Polar bears often pick up stranded seal carcasses and can easily take humans for their habitual food.
Nornickel has been involved in the polar bear preservation program for many years. Population counts and habitat studies are among its main activities. In 2012, the company allocated more than RUB 7 million for scientists to count polar bears in the Kara Sea basin. In 2022, a “bear census” carried out on Wrangel Island. Moreover, it was the first time in the world that drones were used for observing. And the scientists have come to the following conclusions.

Bears primarily feed on marine mammals and fish. When searching for food, bears most often do not travel on all fours, but rather drift on ice floes. The shrinking Arctic ice area makes the forage base inaccessible. So, polar bears come to human habitations, where there is always something to eat.

It's hard to stay calm when facing a half-ton predator, but you have to. It is better to stand still, observe the bear's behavior, and slowly back away from the danger. If the beast is approaching, it is enough to shout loudly or fire a flare gun. But it's a bad idea to lie down on the ground. Polar bears often pick up stranded seal carcasses and can easily take humans for their habitual food.
Nornickel has been involved in the polar bear preservation program for many years. Population counts and habitat studies are among its main activities. In 2012, the company allocated more than RUB 7 million for scientists to count polar bears in the Kara Sea basin. In 2022, a “bear census” carried out on Wrangel Island. Moreover, it was the first time in the world that drones were used for observing. And the scientists have come to the following conclusions.

Bears primarily feed on marine mammals and fish. When searching for food, bears most often do not travel on all fours, but rather drift on ice floes. The shrinking Arctic ice area makes the forage base inaccessible. So, polar bears come to human habitations, where there is always something to eat.

It's hard to stay calm when facing a half-ton predator, but you have to. It is better to stand still, observe the bear's behavior, and slowly back away from the danger. If the beast is approaching, it is enough to shout loudly or fire a flare gun. But it's a bad idea to lie down on the ground. Polar bears often pick up stranded seal carcasses and can easily take humans for their habitual food.
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Arctic nature and its challenges don't bother you yet.
We believe our quiz showed that it's a diverse and beautiful unexplored world. We can help you if you want to know more about it. Read about the biodiversity of the regions where Nornickel operates and about tourism development in the Arctic. Get inspired to travel and see everything with your own eyes.
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Northern nature is dear to you, you know a lot about its inhabitants.
They live under challenging conditions, so they need your support. Please get to know more about the changes Nornickel implemented in its environmental strategy to make its assistance more effective.
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Great job! Have you ever been to the Arctic and seen a polar bear?
You understand the challenges of the Northern biodiversity. Nornickel's support helped researchers do a lot to ensure continuous studying of the Northern ecosystems' status. We tell you whether numerical counts help preserve the wildlife.
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Photos by Nornickel, Shutterstock/FOTODOM,
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