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How scientific research helps Nornickel to preserve biodiversity

Any large-scale production facility is a major intervention in the environment. This is especially true in northern latitudes, where it takes decades for ecosystems to recover. Nornickel used scientific knowledge to minimize losses and provide help to nature. The scientists have developed a methodology to assess environmental conditions. Take our quiz and find out how the methodology works and who is the “chief specialist” in scientific expeditions.
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What kind of a living being on the Kola Peninsula do scientists of the Great Scientific Expedition consider to be an indicator of the state of the environment?
The indicator species are living beings that signal changes in their habitat through their response to pollution. They are used for qualitative assessment of the environment, ecological processes and biodiversity.
12 species of ants were discovered on the Kola Peninsula by the scientists of the Great Scientific Expedition supported by Nornickel. Of these, four are indicator species: northern black ant, red-headed ant, hairy wood ant, and blood-red slave ant.
The latter is named for its color and habits. Blood-red ants penetrate into the nests of other ant species, kidnap their pupae, and raise “slaves” from them. Slaves work while slave owners rest. The distribution and population of these insects helped scientists understand how industrial facilities affect the nature of Nornickel's Kola Division.
The indicator species are living beings that signal changes in their habitat through their response to pollution. They are used for qualitative assessment of the environment, ecological processes and biodiversity.
12 species of ants were discovered on the Kola Peninsula by the scientists of the Great Scientific Expedition supported by Nornickel. Of these, four are indicator species: northern black ant, red-headed ant, hairy wood ant, and blood-red slave ant.
The latter is named for its color and habits. Blood-red ants penetrate into the nests of other ant species, kidnap their pupae, and raise “slaves” from them. Slaves work while slave owners rest. The distribution and population of these insects helped scientists understand how industrial facilities affect the nature of Nornickel's Kola Division.
The indicator species are living beings that signal changes in their habitat through their response to pollution. They are used for qualitative assessment of the environment, ecological processes and biodiversity.
12 species of ants were discovered on the Kola Peninsula by the scientists of the Great Scientific Expedition supported by Nornickel. Of these, four are indicator species: northern black ant, red-headed ant, hairy wood ant, and blood-red slave ant.
The latter is named for its color and habits. Blood-red ants penetrate into the nests of other ant species, kidnap their pupae, and raise “slaves” from them. Slaves work while slave owners rest. The distribution and population of these insects helped scientists understand how industrial facilities affect the nature of Nornickel's Kola Division.
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Within what radius from Nornickel's facilities did scientists study the environmental impact of their operations?
The areas of about 35 kilometers around Nornickel's industrial sites were surveyed by teams of scientists during the field phase of the Great Scientific Expedition in spring 2022. Within just 8 months, the specialists carried out work in five regions: the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, the Murmansk Region, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk Region, and the Trans-Baikal Territory.
The areas of about 35 kilometers around Nornickel's industrial sites were surveyed by teams of scientists during the field phase of the Great Scientific Expedition in spring 2022. Within just 8 months, the specialists carried out work in five regions: the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, the Murmansk Region, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk Region, and the Trans-Baikal Territory.
The areas of about 35 kilometers around Nornickel's industrial sites were surveyed by teams of scientists during the field phase of the Great Scientific Expedition in spring 2022. Within just 8 months, the specialists carried out work in five regions: the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, the Murmansk Region, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk Region, and the Trans-Baikal Territory.
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The scientists of the Great Scientific Expedition have produced an indicator by which biodiversity is assessed, the IESI. What does the acronym stand for?
In rough terms, it's a percentage of the standard rate. The state of background sites, where plants and animals live in pristine condition, is taken as a standard equal to one. The data obtained in the affected areas are compared with those obtained at the background sites.

The response to human activity differs from organism to organism, so for more accurate results, the IESI calculation is based on a range of indicator groups and species, and can be carried out only by people with expert scientific knowledge in each indicator category. For this purpose, the following formula is used:

Zone Indicator / Background Indicator = Indicator Coefficient in Zone.
In rough terms, it's a percentage of the standard rate. The state of background sites, where plants and animals live in pristine condition, is taken as a standard equal to one. The data obtained in the affected areas are compared with those obtained at the background sites.

The response to human activity differs from organism to organism, so for more accurate results, the IESI calculation is based on a range of indicator groups and species, and can be carried out only by people with expert scientific knowledge in each indicator category. For this purpose, the following formula is used:

Zone Indicator / Background Indicator = Indicator Coefficient in Zone.
In rough terms, it's a percentage of the standard rate. The state of background sites, where plants and animals live in pristine condition, is taken as a standard equal to one. The data obtained in the affected areas are compared with those obtained at the background sites.

The response to human activity differs from organism to organism, so for more accurate results, the IESI calculation is based on a range of indicator groups and species, and can be carried out only by people with expert scientific knowledge in each indicator category. For this purpose, the following formula is used:

Zone Indicator / Background Indicator = Indicator Coefficient in Zone.
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What did the scientists propose to add to water bodies in the areas of Nornickel's presence in order to restore the phytoplankton in them?
The scientists suggested using the guanotrophication, that is adding bird droppings into the water. They saturate the water with nutrients and the amount of phytoplankton increases.
Phytoplankton are these microorganisms that are the first element of the food chain for fish. If there is not enough of it in the lake, the fish population drops to almost zero. There are more than 50 lakes in Taymyr, and all of them need help. It takes tens of years to restore the fish productivity of a water body by natural means, but the recovery can be accelerated by these measures.
It is interesting that at first the scientists thought about adding mineral fertilizers to the water. They also stimulate phytoplankton growth, but this method has negative sides. If the balance of minerals is incorrect, the water will “get moldy”. The amount of cyanobacteria will increase in it, but that won't help the fish in any way. The fish will still have nothing to eat.
The scientists suggested using the guanotrophication, that is adding bird droppings into the water. They saturate the water with nutrients and the amount of phytoplankton increases.
Phytoplankton are these microorganisms that are the first element of the food chain for fish. If there is not enough of it in the lake, the fish population drops to almost zero. There are more than 50 lakes in Taymyr, and all of them need help. It takes tens of years to restore the fish productivity of a water body by natural means, but the recovery can be accelerated by these measures.
It is interesting that at first the scientists thought about adding mineral fertilizers to the water. They also stimulate phytoplankton growth, but this method has negative sides. If the balance of minerals is incorrect, the water will “get moldy”. The amount of cyanobacteria will increase in it, but that won't help the fish in any way. The fish will still have nothing to eat.
The scientists suggested using the guanotrophication, that is adding bird droppings into the water. They saturate the water with nutrients and the amount of phytoplankton increases.
Phytoplankton are these microorganisms that are the first element of the food chain for fish. If there is not enough of it in the lake, the fish population drops to almost zero. There are more than 50 lakes in Taymyr, and all of them need help. It takes tens of years to restore the fish productivity of a water body by natural means, but the recovery can be accelerated by these measures.
It is interesting that at first the scientists thought about adding mineral fertilizers to the water. They also stimulate phytoplankton growth, but this method has negative sides. If the balance of minerals is incorrect, the water will “get moldy”. The amount of cyanobacteria will increase in it, but that won't help the fish in any way. The fish will still have nothing to eat.
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What color are the plates that scientists use to catch insects?
Yellow-colored plates as well as entomological nets and ground traps are used to catch ground beetles. They are very small invertebrate beings that are not easy to catch.
Among other things, scientists use ground beetles to assess the concentration of pollutants at the research sites of all four Nornickel's Divisions. The scientists caught 1,402 ground beetles during the two years of the Great Scientific Expedition.
Yellow-colored plates as well as entomological nets and ground traps are used to catch ground beetles. They are very small invertebrate beings that are not easy to catch.
Among other things, scientists use ground beetles to assess the concentration of pollutants at the research sites of all four Nornickel's Divisions. The scientists caught 1,402 ground beetles during the two years of the Great Scientific Expedition.
Yellow-colored plates as well as entomological nets and ground traps are used to catch ground beetles. They are very small invertebrate beings that are not easy to catch.
Among other things, scientists use ground beetles to assess the concentration of pollutants at the research sites of all four Nornickel's Divisions. The scientists caught 1,402 ground beetles during the two years of the Great Scientific Expedition.
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The conservation of rare species and the restoration of populations are integral parts of maintaining the eco-balance. Get ready to answer three questions about animals.
Which bird is Nornickel helping to preserve?
The Gyrfalcon is the largest bird of the falconiformes. Its wingspan is about 120-135 cm with a total length of about 55-60 cm. Today, this red-listed species is in the risk group: ecologists estimate its number to be only 3.5-5 thousand breeding pairs. The population of gyrfalcons has tripled in the country over the last 20 years. Poachers face imprisonment for catching and selling birds, but this does not stop them.
Poaching is the main cause for the disappearance of gyrfalcons. This species of hunting birds is highly valued in the Orient, where the price for them reaches USD 30,000. The cost of the white Kamchatka gyrfalcon reaches up to USD 400,000.
In 2022-2023, Nornickel invested RUB 50 mln to preserve the gyrfalcon. These funds were used to establish research sites that will help develop a scientific approach to the recovery of the species in Yamal and Kamchatka.
The Gyrfalcon is the largest bird of the falconiformes. Its wingspan is about 120-135 cm with a total length of about 55-60 cm. Today, this red-listed species is in the risk group: ecologists estimate its number to be only 3.5-5 thousand breeding pairs. The population of gyrfalcons has tripled in the country over the last 20 years. Poachers face imprisonment for catching and selling birds, but this does not stop them.
Poaching is the main cause for the disappearance of gyrfalcons. This species of hunting birds is highly valued in the Orient, where the price for them reaches USD 30,000. The cost of the white Kamchatka gyrfalcon reaches up to USD 400,000.
In 2022-2023, Nornickel invested RUB 50 mln to preserve the gyrfalcon. These funds were used to establish research sites that will help develop a scientific approach to the recovery of the species in Yamal and Kamchatka.
The Gyrfalcon is the largest bird of the falconiformes. Its wingspan is about 120-135 cm with a total length of about 55-60 cm. Today, this red-listed species is in the risk group: ecologists estimate its number to be only 3.5-5 thousand breeding pairs. The population of gyrfalcons has tripled in the country over the last 20 years. Poachers face imprisonment for catching and selling birds, but this does not stop them.
Poaching is the main cause for the disappearance of gyrfalcons. This species of hunting birds is highly valued in the Orient, where the price for them reaches USD 30,000. The cost of the white Kamchatka gyrfalcon reaches up to USD 400,000.
In 2022-2023, Nornickel invested RUB 50 mln to preserve the gyrfalcon. These funds were used to establish research sites that will help develop a scientific approach to the recovery of the species in Yamal and Kamchatka.
The Gyrfalcon is the largest bird of the falconiformes. Its wingspan is about 120-135 cm with a total length of about 55-60 cm. Today, this red-listed species is in the risk group: ecologists estimate its number to be only 3.5-5 thousand breeding pairs. The population of gyrfalcons has tripled in the country over the last 20 years. Poachers face imprisonment for catching and selling birds, but this does not stop them.
Poaching is the main cause for the disappearance of gyrfalcons. This species of hunting birds is highly valued in the Orient, where the price for them reaches USD 30,000. The cost of the white Kamchatka gyrfalcon reaches up to USD 400,000.
In 2022-2023, Nornickel invested RUB 50 mln to preserve the gyrfalcon. These funds were used to establish research sites that will help develop a scientific approach to the recovery of the species in Yamal and Kamchatka.
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What animal is the symbol of the Pasvik Nature Reserve, which is actively supported by Nornickel?
Since 2021, the image of a smew has been the logo of Pasvik Nature Reserve. The bird is listed in the Red Book of the Murmansk Region. And only Pasvik is an area where the bird population doesn't cause any concern.
The reserve covers an area of 14,687 ha. Its borders are 15 kilometers away from Nornickel's operations and therefore it is in the company's focus area. In 2017, it allocated more than RUB 70 mln for the design and construction of the Reserve's Visitor Center in the settlement of Nickel. In 2019, Nornickel purchased a mobile eco-laboratory for Pasvik. The vehicle can traverse rivers, off-road and rocky tundra.
The company allocates money under the World of New Opportunities program to open new ecological trails, conduct monitoring of natural complexes, flora and fauna of the reserve. The annual monitoring contracts amounts to RUB 5.385 mln.
Since 2021, the image of a smew has been the logo of Pasvik Nature Reserve. The bird is listed in the Red Book of the Murmansk Region. And only Pasvik is an area where the bird population doesn't cause any concern.
The reserve covers an area of 14,687 ha. Its borders are 15 kilometers away from Nornickel's operations and therefore it is in the company's focus area. In 2017, it allocated more than RUB 70 mln for the design and construction of the Reserve's Visitor Center in the settlement of Nickel. In 2019, Nornickel purchased a mobile eco-laboratory for Pasvik. The vehicle can traverse rivers, off-road and rocky tundra.
The company allocates money under the World of New Opportunities program to open new ecological trails, conduct monitoring of natural complexes, flora and fauna of the reserve. The annual monitoring contracts amounts to RUB 5.385 mln.
Since 2021, the image of a smew has been the logo of Pasvik Nature Reserve. The bird is listed in the Red Book of the Murmansk Region. And only Pasvik is an area where the bird population doesn't cause any concern.
The reserve covers an area of 14,687 ha. Its borders are 15 kilometers away from Nornickel's operations and therefore it is in the company's focus area. In 2017, it allocated more than RUB 70 mln for the design and construction of the Reserve's Visitor Center in the settlement of Nickel. In 2019, Nornickel purchased a mobile eco-laboratory for Pasvik. The vehicle can traverse rivers, off-road and rocky tundra.
The company allocates money under the World of New Opportunities program to open new ecological trails, conduct monitoring of natural complexes, flora and fauna of the reserve. The annual monitoring contracts amounts to RUB 5.385 mln.
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What is the unique feature of the wild reindeer population, which is supported by “Nornickel”?
Wild reindeer are the only species of reindeer in which both males and females grow antlers, and one antler grows straight forward. Reindeer shovel snow with this antler and eat moss and lichen. The Lapland Reserve, which was created to preserve this population, hosts approximately 1,000 animals.
Nornickel has been cooperating with the Lapland Nature Reserve for over 20 years now, helping to improve the infrastructure. The company allocated RUB 1.8 mln for monitoring and restoration of the reindeer population. The annual monitoring contracts amount to RUB 5.253 mln.
Wild reindeer are the only species of reindeer in which both males and females grow antlers, and one antler grows straight forward. Reindeer shovel snow with this antler and eat moss and lichen. The Lapland Reserve, which was created to preserve this population, hosts approximately 1,000 animals.
Nornickel has been cooperating with the Lapland Nature Reserve for over 20 years now, helping to improve the infrastructure. The company allocated RUB 1.8 mln for monitoring and restoration of the reindeer population. The annual monitoring contracts amount to RUB 5.253 mln.
Wild reindeer are the only species of reindeer in which both males and females grow antlers, and one antler grows straight forward. Reindeer shovel snow with this antler and eat moss and lichen. The Lapland Reserve, which was created to preserve this population, hosts approximately 1,000 animals.
Nornickel has been cooperating with the Lapland Nature Reserve for over 20 years now, helping to improve the infrastructure. The company allocated RUB 1.8 mln for monitoring and restoration of the reindeer population. The annual monitoring contracts amount to RUB 5.253 mln.
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The last question is about the impact of industrial zones on nature. As it turns out, it can be positive.
What is the positive impact of industrial zones on the ecosystem of adjacent territories?
Industry, of course, affects air, water and soil quality, and changes the landscape. However, the Great Scientific Expedition results showed that some ecosystems just beyond the boundaries of the industrial zone remained almost unchanged, and sometimes even improved.
In Trans-Baikal, for example, the sides of roads running to Nornickel's facilities are overgrown with shrubs. It became a place for shelter and food for roe deer and hares. Animals are not frightened by the noise of machinery, and there are no hunters here.
Industry, of course, affects air, water and soil quality, and changes the landscape. However, the Great Scientific Expedition results showed that some ecosystems just beyond the boundaries of the industrial zone remained almost unchanged, and sometimes even improved.
In Trans-Baikal, for example, the sides of roads running to Nornickel's facilities are overgrown with shrubs. It became a place for shelter and food for roe deer and hares. Animals are not frightened by the noise of machinery, and there are no hunters here.
Industry, of course, affects air, water and soil quality, and changes the landscape. However, the Great Scientific Expedition results showed that some ecosystems just beyond the boundaries of the industrial zone remained almost unchanged, and sometimes even improved.
In Trans-Baikal, for example, the sides of roads running to Nornickel's facilities are overgrown with shrubs. It became a place for shelter and food for roe deer and hares. Animals are not frightened by the noise of machinery, and there are no hunters here.
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Photos by Nornickel, Shutterstock/FOTODOM
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