Nornickel ESG Insights
Joining efforts to build a better future


Social Responsibility

The test explains what is the responsibility of business to society. We will use Nornickel as an example to show what a company can do to improve the quality of life:

  • attract young people,
  • develop entrepreneurship,
  • get the support of the residents and thus lay the basis for the sustainable development of the region for years ahead.

The test will tell you about 11 projects, although the company performs many more projects. In the meantime, take a 5 minute break and we will tell you what animal has become the symbol of Norilsk hockey players, what is the corporate scholarship amount, and how businesses participate in renovation.

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What does Social (S) comprise in the ESG term?
The Social Responsibility principle was initially defined as a company’s communications with all stakeholders: employees, customers, and contractors. More recently, however, social policy under the ESG framework has also embraced the corporate social responsibility to the community as a whole, unlinked to the area of specific business operations.
Each company has the right to determine the scale and direction of its ESG development, priorities and initiatives, subject to the specifics, objectives and capabilities of the business. From the outset, Nornickel has had a genuinely broad understanding of its social responsibility, and assumed some degree of responsibility for all peoples living on the territories where it has operations.
The Social Responsibility principle was initially defined as a company’s communications with all stakeholders: employees, customers, and contractors. More recently, however, social policy under the ESG framework has also embraced the corporate social responsibility to the community as a whole, unlinked to the area of specific business operations.
Each company has the right to determine the scale and direction of its ESG development, priorities and initiatives, subject to the specifics, objectives and capabilities of the business. From the outset, Nornickel has had a genuinely broad understanding of its social responsibility, and assumed some degree of responsibility for all peoples living on the territories where it has operations.
The Social Responsibility principle was initially defined as a company’s communications with all stakeholders: employees, customers, and contractors. More recently, however, social policy under the ESG framework has also embraced the corporate social responsibility to the community as a whole, unlinked to the area of specific business operations.
Each company has the right to determine the scale and direction of its ESG development, priorities and initiatives, subject to the specifics, objectives and capabilities of the business. From the outset, Nornickel has had a genuinely broad understanding of its social responsibility, and assumed some degree of responsibility for all peoples living on the territories where it has operations.
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Nornickel has extensive experience in interacting with small indigenous populations enabling agreements which both facilitate business development and respect the indigenous peoples. FPIC is a procedure adopted by the UN to support small indigenous populations. What does FPIC stand for?
The final document issued by the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples states that no project or measures affecting indigenous peoples shall take place without their free, prior and informed consent, FPIC.
Nornickel has become the first company in Russia to start the FPIC procedure for the resettlement of Tukhard village in Taymyr. Over five months, the company held three meetings with local residents and engaged a team of lawyers and international experts to support this procedure. The local residents chose a place for their future village and planned its infrastructure.
The final document issued by the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples states that no project or measures affecting indigenous peoples shall take place without their free, prior and informed consent, FPIC.
Nornickel has become the first company in Russia to start the FPIC procedure for the resettlement of Tukhard village in Taymyr. Over five months, the company held three meetings with local residents and engaged a team of lawyers and international experts to support this procedure. The local residents chose a place for their future village and planned its infrastructure.
The final document issued by the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples states that no project or measures affecting indigenous peoples shall take place without their free, prior and informed consent, FPIC.
Nornickel has become the first company in Russia to start the FPIC procedure for the resettlement of Tukhard village in Taymyr. Over five months, the company held three meetings with local residents and engaged a team of lawyers and international experts to support this procedure. The local residents chose a place for their future village and planned its infrastructure.
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Nornickel conducts flagship corporate volunteer programs. The idea of care and respect for nature engages more and more staff and is becoming a major tool for developing relationships between peer co-workers of the company.
What celebrity is the ambassador of the PonesLos eco-marathon organized by Nornickel in 2023 for the eighth time?
The 2023 PonesLos Eco-Marathon under the Your Habitat slogan was launched this summer in all cities home to the company’s operations: Nikel, Monchegorsk, Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Chita and Saratov. The marathon was the largest ever held, bringing together 1,718 volunteers from Nornickel. All of them were developing and delivering eco-projects in their cities.
The project’s ambassador is Alexey Yagudin, an Olympic figure skating gold medalist. To celebrate the marathon launch, Yagudin visited Norilsk and shared an unusual exercise routine with participants, dedicated to the symbols of this year’s marathon: polar bear, moose, manul and gyrfalcon.
The 2023 PonesLos Eco-Marathon under the Your Habitat slogan was launched this summer in all cities home to the company’s operations: Nikel, Monchegorsk, Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Chita and Saratov. The marathon was the largest ever held, bringing together 1,718 volunteers from Nornickel. All of them were developing and delivering eco-projects in their cities.
The project’s ambassador is Alexey Yagudin, an Olympic figure skating gold medalist. To celebrate the marathon launch, Yagudin visited Norilsk and shared an unusual exercise routine with participants, dedicated to the symbols of this year’s marathon: polar bear, moose, manul and gyrfalcon.
The 2023 PonesLos Eco-Marathon under the Your Habitat slogan was launched this summer in all cities home to the company’s operations: Nikel, Monchegorsk, Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Chita and Saratov. The marathon was the largest ever held, bringing together 1,718 volunteers from Nornickel. All of them were developing and delivering eco-projects in their cities.
The project’s ambassador is Alexey Yagudin, an Olympic figure skating gold medalist. To celebrate the marathon launch, Yagudin visited Norilsk and shared an unusual exercise routine with participants, dedicated to the symbols of this year’s marathon: polar bear, moose, manul and gyrfalcon.
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Nornickel supports the initiatives of small indigenous populations living on the Taymyr peninsula. The locals propose their sustainable development projects for their land. The best proposals then receive funding from the company.
Which project won the first-place grant in the 2023 World of Taymyr competition?
The first-place SovremenNik project is dedicated to the village Potapovo where, in 1881, the first merchants traded on the territory of modern Taymyr. After the project is completed, Potapovo will become a place for cultural preservation and development of one of the smallest ethnic groups in the world, the Enets.

The budget of the grant project was RUB 53 million. In 2023, seven projects of tribal communities, three projects of non-profit organizations and eight projects of municipal and budgetary institutions received funding in the World of Taymyr program. The projects will be completed in 2023-2024.
The first-place SovremenNik project is dedicated to the village Potapovo where, in 1881, the first merchants traded on the territory of modern Taymyr. After the project is completed, Potapovo will become a place for cultural preservation and development of one of the smallest ethnic groups in the world, the Enets.

The budget of the grant project was RUB 53 million. In 2023, seven projects of tribal communities, three projects of non-profit organizations and eight projects of municipal and budgetary institutions received funding in the World of Taymyr program. The projects will be completed in 2023-2024.
The first-place SovremenNik project is dedicated to the village Potapovo where, in 1881, the first merchants traded on the territory of modern Taymyr. After the project is completed, Potapovo will become a place for cultural preservation and development of one of the smallest ethnic groups in the world, the Enets.

The budget of the grant project was RUB 53 million. In 2023, seven projects of tribal communities, three projects of non-profit organizations and eight projects of municipal and budgetary institutions received funding in the World of Taymyr program. The projects will be completed in 2023-2024.
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Nornickel invests in Arctic region sports development. For example, in 2023 Norilsk re-opened its own hockey club which had previously been closed in the early 1980s.
What animal is the mascot of the world’s northernmost professional hockey club Norilsk?
A brutal, tough and strong polar bear is a perfect rendition of the Arctic spirit. His image is featured in the logo of the Norilsk Hockey Club, founded by Nornickel.
On 2 September 2023, the club played its first match at the Norilsk Stadium. The game against Almetyevsk Neftyanik ended in 2:3 loss to the visitors, but a few days later Norilsk won its first ever match against CSK VVS Samara.
A brutal, tough and strong polar bear is a perfect rendition of the Arctic spirit. His image is featured in the logo of the Norilsk Hockey Club, founded by Nornickel.
On 2 September 2023, the club played its first match at the Norilsk Stadium. The game against Almetyevsk Neftyanik ended in 2:3 loss to the visitors, but a few days later Norilsk won its first ever match against CSK VVS Samara.
A brutal, tough and strong polar bear is a perfect rendition of the Arctic spirit. His image is featured in the logo of the Norilsk Hockey Club, founded by Nornickel.
On 2 September 2023, the club played its first match at the Norilsk Stadium. The game against Almetyevsk Neftyanik ended in 2:3 loss to the visitors, but a few days later Norilsk won its first ever match against CSK VVS Samara.
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Nornickel is looking for young talent. The company cooperates with the largest industry universities to provide training for young professionals in fields of highest demand for the company.
What is the amount of Nornickel’s scholarship for 4th-year and Master’s students of the Polar State University starting this year?
To be eligible for a Nornickel scholarship, a student has to be a full-time and majoring in a field of high demand for the company: non-ferrous metallurgy, mining, construction, and electrical power engineering and technology. In the 2023 academic year, the scholarship amount was increased to RUB 20k per month for 1st-3rd-year students and RUB 25k per month for 4th-year and Master’s students of the Polar State University. Scholarship students may not have any incomplete courses for the previous semester and their grade point average for the exam session may not be lower than 4.
To be eligible for a Nornickel scholarship, a student has to be a full-time and majoring in a field of high demand for the company: non-ferrous metallurgy, mining, construction, and electrical power engineering and technology. In the 2023 academic year, the scholarship amount was increased to RUB 20k per month for 1st-3rd-year students and RUB 25k per month for 4th-year and Master’s students of the Polar State University. Scholarship students may not have any incomplete courses for the previous semester and their grade point average for the exam session may not be lower than 4.
To be eligible for a Nornickel scholarship, a student has to be a full-time and majoring in a field of high demand for the company: non-ferrous metallurgy, mining, construction, and electrical power engineering and technology. In the 2023 academic year, the scholarship amount was increased to RUB 20k per month for 1st-3rd-year students and RUB 25k per month for 4th-year and Master’s students of the Polar State University. Scholarship students may not have any incomplete courses for the previous semester and their grade point average for the exam session may not be lower than 4.
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Since 2019, Nornickel has been running the Corporate Healthcare project. Its mission is to improve the availability and quality of medical care at all stages, and to reduce general and occupational diseases among workers.
How many first aid rooms operate at the company’s production sites?
By the end of 2022, Nornickel Corporate Health Center has completed the renovation and equiping of first aid and medical examination rooms at company production sites. Today, there are 60, which have been provided with state-of-the-art equipment and comply with SanPiN requirements.
By the end of 2022, Nornickel Corporate Health Center has completed the renovation and equiping of first aid and medical examination rooms at company production sites. Today, there are 60, which have been provided with state-of-the-art equipment and comply with SanPiN requirements.
By the end of 2022, Nornickel Corporate Health Center has completed the renovation and equiping of first aid and medical examination rooms at company production sites. Today, there are 60, which have been provided with state-of-the-art equipment and comply with SanPiN requirements.
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Nornickel engages in the cultural life of Norilsk. Every year, the company supports festivals and special events in the city.
What recycled material was used to make the panel at the City of Endless Inspiration Street Art Festival, held in summer 2023 in Norilsk with the support of the company?
A 2 x 1.2 m panel depicting owls has decorated the archway of building No. 40 on Leninsky Avenue. It took about 4,500 water and soda bottle caps, one kilogram of nails and 12 hammers to make.
The caps were collected by Norilsk residents over one month as part of the ReWork Plastic recycling collection events. More than 100 people participated in making the panel. For three days, they fixed the caps, then lacquered the panel and secured it in the archway pre-painted in different colors.
The goal of the event is to draw attention to the pollution problem. The panel will now remind residents of how much plastic people consume and encourage them to find creative ways to reuse it.
A 2 x 1.2 m panel depicting owls has decorated the archway of building No. 40 on Leninsky Avenue. It took about 4,500 water and soda bottle caps, one kilogram of nails and 12 hammers to make.
The caps were collected by Norilsk residents over one month as part of the ReWork Plastic recycling collection events. More than 100 people participated in making the panel. For three days, they fixed the caps, then lacquered the panel and secured it in the archway pre-painted in different colors.
The goal of the event is to draw attention to the pollution problem. The panel will now remind residents of how much plastic people consume and encourage them to find creative ways to reuse it.
A 2 x 1.2 m panel depicting owls has decorated the archway of building No. 40 on Leninsky Avenue. It took about 4,500 water and soda bottle caps, one kilogram of nails and 12 hammers to make.
The caps were collected by Norilsk residents over one month as part of the ReWork Plastic recycling collection events. More than 100 people participated in making the panel. For three days, they fixed the caps, then lacquered the panel and secured it in the archway pre-painted in different colors.
The goal of the event is to draw attention to the pollution problem. The panel will now remind residents of how much plastic people consume and encourage them to find creative ways to reuse it.
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The number of Nornickel’s retail investors is constantly growing, but quantity does not translate into quality. People lack knowledge, so the company focused its new educational project on investing in stocks.
Who was the target audience of the Health and Wealth in Bobrovy Log: Invest Wisely! Forum held for the first time in Krasnoyarsk?
The first Youth Financial Education Forum was organized with support from Nornickel and Tinkoff Investments, for teenagers aged 16-18 years old. On 25 August 2023, school and college students attended lectures taught by traders, analysts, investment bloggers and bankers from major financial institutions.
The experts helped Krasnoyarsk youth understand how a brokerage account functions, how a stock differs from a bond, and how to properly preserve and increase capital. In the second part of the program, the students studied Nornickel’s investment case and got the experts’ opinion on the factors to consider when investing in the real economy.
The first Youth Financial Education Forum was organized with support from Nornickel and Tinkoff Investments, for teenagers aged 16-18 years old. On 25 August 2023, school and college students attended lectures taught by traders, analysts, investment bloggers and bankers from major financial institutions.
The experts helped Krasnoyarsk youth understand how a brokerage account functions, how a stock differs from a bond, and how to properly preserve and increase capital. In the second part of the program, the students studied Nornickel’s investment case and got the experts’ opinion on the factors to consider when investing in the real economy.
The first Youth Financial Education Forum was organized with support from Nornickel and Tinkoff Investments, for teenagers aged 16-18 years old. On 25 August 2023, school and college students attended lectures taught by traders, analysts, investment bloggers and bankers from major financial institutions.
The experts helped Krasnoyarsk youth understand how a brokerage account functions, how a stock differs from a bond, and how to properly preserve and increase capital. In the second part of the program, the students studied Nornickel’s investment case and got the experts’ opinion on the factors to consider when investing in the real economy.
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In December 2021, the Russian government approved the Comprehensive Plan for the Socio-Economic Development of Norilsk, which started the housing renovation program. Nornickel plays the leading role in this project.
How many multi-storey houses does the company plan to commission in 2024 under the Norilsk renovation program?
The large-scale program to renovate Norilsk has been developed until 2035. Nornickel invests RUB 81.3 billion out of RUB 120 billion, with the majority of projects delivered using in-house resources with the engagement of third-party contractors. A new fire and rescue station building has already been commissioned, and the Full-Service Community Assistance Center has undergone capital repairs.

The first residential building will be commissioned before the end of 2023, and then six more apartment blocks — in 2024. Demolition of houses in emergency condition and subsequent territory improvement are well under way. In total, the company plans to demolish 45 houses and build more than 80 new ones.
The large-scale program to renovate Norilsk has been developed until 2035. Nornickel invests RUB 81.3 billion out of RUB 120 billion, with the majority of projects delivered using in-house resources with the engagement of third-party contractors. A new fire and rescue station building has already been commissioned, and the Full-Service Community Assistance Center has undergone capital repairs.

The first residential building will be commissioned before the end of 2023, and then six more apartment blocks — in 2024. Demolition of houses in emergency condition and subsequent territory improvement are well under way. In total, the company plans to demolish 45 houses and build more than 80 new ones.
The large-scale program to renovate Norilsk has been developed until 2035. Nornickel invests RUB 81.3 billion out of RUB 120 billion, with the majority of projects delivered using in-house resources with the engagement of third-party contractors. A new fire and rescue station building has already been commissioned, and the Full-Service Community Assistance Center has undergone capital repairs.

The first residential building will be commissioned before the end of 2023, and then six more apartment blocks — in 2024. Demolition of houses in emergency condition and subsequent territory improvement are well under way. In total, the company plans to demolish 45 houses and build more than 80 new ones.
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Business environment and favorable conditions for small and medium enterprises are an important aspect of Nornickel’s sustainability policy in the regions where it has a presence.
What lines of business has Nornickel supported in the Murmansk Region under the World of New Opportunities program?
Entrepreneurship development is an important priority for the company in the regions where it has a presence. In 2023, Nornickel conducted a four-month training program for early-stage and established businesses of the Murmansk region. Upon completion, 13 business projects that contribute towards quality of life improvement in Murmansk Region were presented by entrepreneurs to the competent jury. Eight of them received interest-free loans for a term of up to two years.

Nornickel co-financed the opening of a maintenance station, beauty studio, gastropub, several cafes, the development of an Arctic soap shop, as well as a rental station and menswear store.
Entrepreneurship development is an important priority for the company in the regions where it has a presence. In 2023, Nornickel conducted a four-month training program for early-stage and established businesses of the Murmansk region. Upon completion, 13 business projects that contribute towards quality of life improvement in Murmansk Region were presented by entrepreneurs to the competent jury. Eight of them received interest-free loans for a term of up to two years.

Nornickel co-financed the opening of a maintenance station, beauty studio, gastropub, several cafes, the development of an Arctic soap shop, as well as a rental station and menswear store.
Entrepreneurship development is an important priority for the company in the regions where it has a presence. In 2023, Nornickel conducted a four-month training program for early-stage and established businesses of the Murmansk region. Upon completion, 13 business projects that contribute towards quality of life improvement in Murmansk Region were presented by entrepreneurs to the competent jury. Eight of them received interest-free loans for a term of up to two years.

Nornickel co-financed the opening of a maintenance station, beauty studio, gastropub, several cafes, the development of an Arctic soap shop, as well as a rental station and menswear store.
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You see the Arctic as a far-away reindeer kingdom
Hopefully, our test has proven that there are people living and working beyond the Arctic Circle who love their homeland and want it to prosper. Read the article about Regional Development Agencies to learn more about life in the Arctic or, for example, a story about assistance for entrepreneurs in Murmansk region villages. With Nornickel’s support, they deliver helpful social projects for their fellow villagers.
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You’re not new to the north
You are aware of the contribution of large corporations to urban development and social support for the northerners. But you can never have too much knowledge! We advise you to read about Nornickel’s projects to improve healthcare services for its staff and training programs for entrepreneurs on the development and delivery of social projects.
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Are you from the Arctic?
Otherwise, how do you know so much about modern life in this cold and beautiful land? Learn about the new professions taught to future metallurgists at the Polar State University and how the students of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology feel about the joint master’s program with Nornickel.
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