Nornickel ESG Insights
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How Nornickel protects its employees

Health and safety at Nornickel operations

In metalliferous mining, every working day is like a challenge because it is such a complex production process. At Nornickel we believe that we can manage challenges by approaching safety systematically and carefully, and by setting priorities. The life and well-being of our employees is a key priority. Take our test to find out how the company has learned to protect them.

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Since 2023, Nornickel has been paying its employees for identifying risks in the workplace. How much money can an employee who reported the probability of a workplace accident get?
occupational safety at Nornickel operations
The amount paid depends on the degree of employee’s involvement in risk management and ranges from RUB 5k to 10k. In 2023, 455 employees received fixed cash payments totaling RUB 3.4 mln.

Employees are given special handbooks that explain how to identify risks and correctly submit notifications. In 2023, employees of the Norilsk Processing Plant, as well as Komsomolsky, Oktyabrsky, and Severny mines identified more than 2,000 risks.
The amount paid depends on the degree of employee’s involvement in risk management and ranges from RUB 5k to 10k. In 2023, 455 employees received fixed cash payments totaling RUB 3.4 mln.

Employees are given special handbooks that explain how to identify risks and correctly submit notifications. In 2023, employees of the Norilsk Processing Plant, as well as Komsomolsky, Oktyabrsky, and Severny mines identified more than 2,000 risks.
The amount paid depends on the degree of employee’s involvement in risk management and ranges from RUB 5k to 10k. In 2023, 455 employees received fixed cash payments totaling RUB 3.4 mln.

Employees are given special handbooks that explain how to identify risks and correctly submit notifications. In 2023, employees of the Norilsk Processing Plant, as well as Komsomolsky, Oktyabrsky, and Severny mines identified more than 2,000 risks.
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Since 2023, Nornickel has been paying its employees for identifying risks in the workplace. How much money can an employee who reported the probability of a workplace accident get?
Workplace safety at Nornickel operations
The amount paid depends on the degree of employee’s involvement in risk management and ranges from RUB 5k to 10k. In 2023, 455 employees received fixed cash payments totaling RUB 3.4 mln.

Employees are given special handbooks that explain how to identify risks and correctly submit notifications. In 2023, employees of the Norilsk Processing Plant, as well as Komsomolsky, Oktyabrsky, and Severny mines identified more than 2,000 risks.
The amount paid depends on the degree of employee’s involvement in risk management and ranges from RUB 5k to 10k. In 2023, 455 employees received fixed cash payments totaling RUB 3.4 mln.

Employees are given special handbooks that explain how to identify risks and correctly submit notifications. In 2023, employees of the Norilsk Processing Plant, as well as Komsomolsky, Oktyabrsky, and Severny mines identified more than 2,000 risks.
The amount paid depends on the degree of employee’s involvement in risk management and ranges from RUB 5k to 10k. In 2023, 455 employees received fixed cash payments totaling RUB 3.4 mln.

Employees are given special handbooks that explain how to identify risks and correctly submit notifications. In 2023, employees of the Norilsk Processing Plant, as well as Komsomolsky, Oktyabrsky, and Severny mines identified more than 2,000 risks.
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Which personal protective equipment used by miners is monitored by AI?
Personal protective equipment at Nornickel operations
People mine ore underground where it is hot. Using personal protective equipment provided by the company may not always be comfortable, however, it is mandatory.
To ensure employees do not neglect protective equipment, Nornickel operations utilize an automated monitoring system. CCTV cameras keep track of any hazardous actions that can lead to accidents in real time.

In 2023, the Trans-Baikal branch supplemented the system with machine vision and artificial intelligence. The software can accurately determine whether an employee is secured with a safety lanyard or not. As experienced employees say, you don’t need to be afraid of heights – you need to respect them. And the secured safety lanyard is a tribute to such respect.

In 2024, Nornickel plans to implement a project for acoustic and visual notification of employees when they approach an area with a load drop hazard.
People mine ore underground where it is hot. Using personal protective equipment provided by the company may not always be comfortable, however, it is mandatory.
To ensure employees do not neglect protective equipment, Nornickel operations utilize an automated monitoring system. CCTV cameras keep track of any hazardous actions that can lead to accidents in real time.

In 2023, the Trans-Baikal branch supplemented the system with machine vision and artificial intelligence. The software can accurately determine whether an employee is secured with a safety lanyard or not. As experienced employees say, you don’t need to be afraid of heights – you need to respect them. And the secured safety lanyard is a tribute to such respect.

In 2024, Nornickel plans to implement a project for acoustic and visual notification of employees when they approach an area with a load drop hazard.
People mine ore underground where it is hot. Using personal protective equipment provided by the company may not always be comfortable, however, it is mandatory.
To ensure employees do not neglect protective equipment, Nornickel operations utilize an automated monitoring system. CCTV cameras keep track of any hazardous actions that can lead to accidents in real time.

In 2023, the Trans-Baikal branch supplemented the system with machine vision and artificial intelligence. The software can accurately determine whether an employee is secured with a safety lanyard or not. As experienced employees say, you don’t need to be afraid of heights – you need to respect them. And the secured safety lanyard is a tribute to such respect.

In 2024, Nornickel plans to implement a project for acoustic and visual notification of employees when they approach an area with a load drop hazard.
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Why were the Nornickel vice presidents sent to take driving courses?
Transportation of goods to the cities where Nornickel operates and to its operations
2,855 employees have been trained in driving culture and improved driving discipline. These include all who belong to a high risk group, as well as contractor drivers. The company's top management led by example. In 2023, 18 vice presidents and directors of Nornickel completed defensive driving courses.

In addition, we have prepared briefings on key risks, including distraction while driving, the effects of fatigue, and the use of seat belts. As a result, the number of road accidents in 2023 decreased to 3.54 cases per million kilometers.
2,855 employees have been trained in driving culture and improved driving discipline. These include all who belong to a high risk group, as well as contractor drivers. The company's top management led by example. In 2023, 18 vice presidents and directors of Nornickel completed defensive driving courses.

In addition, we have prepared briefings on key risks, including distraction while driving, the effects of fatigue, and the use of seat belts. As a result, the number of road accidents in 2023 decreased to 3.54 cases per million kilometers.
2,855 employees have been trained in driving culture and improved driving discipline. These include all who belong to a high risk group, as well as contractor drivers. The company's top management led by example. In 2023, 18 vice presidents and directors of Nornickel completed defensive driving courses.

In addition, we have prepared briefings on key risks, including distraction while driving, the effects of fatigue, and the use of seat belts. As a result, the number of road accidents in 2023 decreased to 3.54 cases per million kilometers.
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"Milk for harmful work environment" is not a joke! Employees that are exposed to a harmful work environment at Nornickel operations get half a liter of milk every day. Those that don't like it can ask for a replacement. With what?
Meals in canteens at Nornickel operations
Milk can be replaced with fermented milk products – kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt, but nothing else. Even sour cream is not suitable for healthy and dietary meals. Milk is issued before the start of the shift or at lunchtime.

Dairy products are natural absorbents capable of removing harmful substances from the body. The current legislation and corporate documents prescribe that each employee exposed to a harmful work environment should get 0.5 liters of milk per day.
Milk can be replaced with fermented milk products – kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt, but nothing else. Even sour cream is not suitable for healthy and dietary meals. Milk is issued before the start of the shift or at lunchtime.

Dairy products are natural absorbents capable of removing harmful substances from the body. The current legislation and corporate documents prescribe that each employee exposed to a harmful work environment should get 0.5 liters of milk per day.
Milk can be replaced with fermented milk products – kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt, but nothing else. Even sour cream is not suitable for healthy and dietary meals. Milk is issued before the start of the shift or at lunchtime.

Dairy products are natural absorbents capable of removing harmful substances from the body. The current legislation and corporate documents prescribe that each employee exposed to a harmful work environment should get 0.5 liters of milk per day.
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Which device makes some employees of Nornickel look like comic book characters?
High-tech equipment at Nornickel operations
It's about exoskeletons. Together with Southwestern State University and the Smirnov Design company, Nornickel has created the Exo Heaver exoskeleton. It is capable of lifting up to 60 kg and is indispensable in underground mines and bunkers where heavy machinery cannot enter.

The devices are equipped with electric winches that can lift and hold loads. At the same time the "third hand" – the manipulator – utilizes a jack drill, for example. Of course, under close supervision of a human operator who can only set the operation trajectory with his own hands. Another advantage of the model is the "seat stop" module. It removes the load from the legs of an employee who needs to squat for work. The exoskeleton's on-board computer evaluates the illumination, temperature, and even the gas content in the air. The analysis of this data protects the employee from emergencies.

Exoskeletons cannot replicate the biomechanics of the human body, but their use is still a big step forward in the field of occupational health and safety.
It's about exoskeletons. Together with Southwestern State University and the Smirnov Design company, Nornickel has created the Exo Heaver exoskeleton. It is capable of lifting up to 60 kg and is indispensable in underground mines and bunkers where heavy machinery cannot enter.

The devices are equipped with electric winches that can lift and hold loads. At the same time the "third hand" – the manipulator – utilizes a jack drill, for example. Of course, under close supervision of a human operator who can only set the operation trajectory with his own hands. Another advantage of the model is the "seat stop" module. It removes the load from the legs of an employee who needs to squat for work. The exoskeleton's on-board computer evaluates the illumination, temperature, and even the gas content in the air. The analysis of this data protects the employee from emergencies.

Exoskeletons cannot replicate the biomechanics of the human body, but their use is still a big step forward in the field of occupational health and safety.
It's about exoskeletons. Together with Southwestern State University and the Smirnov Design company, Nornickel has created the Exo Heaver exoskeleton. It is capable of lifting up to 60 kg and is indispensable in underground mines and bunkers where heavy machinery cannot enter.

The devices are equipped with electric winches that can lift and hold loads. At the same time the "third hand" – the manipulator – utilizes a jack drill, for example. Of course, under close supervision of a human operator who can only set the operation trajectory with his own hands. Another advantage of the model is the "seat stop" module. It removes the load from the legs of an employee who needs to squat for work. The exoskeleton's on-board computer evaluates the illumination, temperature, and even the gas content in the air. The analysis of this data protects the employee from emergencies.

Exoskeletons cannot replicate the biomechanics of the human body, but their use is still a big step forward in the field of occupational health and safety.
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It looks like you have never worked in the mining industry
You have never had to wear a hard hat, drink milk "for harmful work environment" or master an exoskeleton. But it's never too late to start because health and safety compliance is a culture. Read what new format of industrial safety audit has been introduced by Nornickel in 2024.
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You understand what industrial safety is
Watch the interview with Alexey Malinsky, Director of the Department of Investment Project Management, Safety and Planning to learn a lot more. For example, how much does safety cost at Nornickel and what innovations we use to protect the lives and well-being of our employees.
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You are a top gun in industrial safety!
You calculate your every step and know how to follow the rules. But new challenges are emerging. For example, Nornickel is trying to safeguard production taking into account global warming.
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Photos by Nornickel, Shutterstock/FOTODOM,
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