In Russia, large-scale production of industrial exoskeletons began in 2021. Sales require supporting documentation, including clear standards and classifications.
In 2023, there first became effective
GOST R 12.4.306-2023 ”System of Work Safety Standards (SSBT) Personal protection equipment for musculoskeletal system.
Industrial exoskeletons. Classification. Terms and definitions.” It specifies general requirements for labeling exoskeletons, their operational and maintenance manuals.
The State Standard also contains the industrial exoskeleton definition. It is a wearable personal protection device for the musculoskeletal system that compensates and/or redistributes the load.
Under GOST, industrial exoskeletons are classified by the anatomical area they protect. For example, upper or lower limbs, cervical, thoracic or lumbosacral spine. The devices can protect against dynamic or static loads or both loads simultaneously.
Depending on the method of energy source utilization, exoskeletons can be active, semi-active, and passive.